Freedom of citizens and our right to own and control government began to erode as soon as the parties began adjusting rules to weaken the influence of citizens, protect their incumbents and enable a growing army of special interest cash contributors to infest every office, wallet and head in government. Both parties united to accomplish these goals which absolutely defy and trample what began as our most basic American principle, the self-government rights to own and control our process using the freedom to remove any party or official who failed to serve well. This ability was the most critical concern during our founding. Who talks of this today? Today 99.5% of Americans claim to honor our principles but their talk and actions show no awareness or effort to reestablishing their power as owners and masters of our system. They are in full surrender and submission to 2 corrupt parties. The parties got over on them, pure and simple.
Every move for control parties made violated our deepest American principles and every one of them can be easily destroyed by us peons out in our neighborhoods the moment we decide to do it. Our government was never really stolen from us, it was surrendered by us because all was going so well. Today it is not going well so we need to fix it.
Americans keep asking, What can we do, what is the solution?
We can do a lot and it does not cost a dime, we don’t have to go to D.C., we don’t have to risk arrest or storm federal buildings. We STILL own and control America, we are the ones protected by our Constitution, not them. Remember this, if this series gives you nothing else. No party, no official and no branch of government has any power at all. NONE. We have ALL the power and must give it to them with our campaign volunteering, our donations, our votes and our submission. Take those things away and no official or party can ever sit in office again to abuse authority using powers our Constitution never permitted for them in the first place. They are only there as long as we the people keep them there.
Americans today have forgotten, our nation was created on the principle of self-government staffed by elected officials who were supposed to serve then go back home making room for fresh faces with new ideas. It was not honest people who changed that by adding benefits and pensions so elected office is a career position, thieves did. That is where the first brazen move was made to steal government of the People, by the People from us who have a Constitution to protect us from that sort of corruption. Meanwhile they began to make rules regarding donations that permitted millions, now billions, to flow into the election process from cronies and donors who benefit from buying favor. Both parties claim to reject corruption while both feed from the same trough overflowing with it. Explain to me the difference between a bribe and a large donation where the official knows exactly who gave it to them. There is none, our government is completely for sale.
Huge fundraising banquets, country club galas with lobbyists and donors and quiet little private meetings resulting in huge campaign payoffs are blatant corruption right out in the open. When do those officials ask middle class voters what they need then fight to make sure it happens like it does for the Big Boys? Ex-congressmen and other officials who leave office to make millions as lobbyists or foundation managers etc are paid so well because they have the contacts. Influence peddling, and that used to be a crime they could be prosecuted for. Now it is business as usual.
Sealing up dirty money from cronies was only one step of stealing America for the parties, they had to dumb down the citizens enough that they accepted it. This required a two-prong approach; get the media onboard as a party to corruption and control schools so our education system does not produce citizens who know our basic principles or our Constitution. The successes they scored here were nothing short of amazing. Isnt it interesting that while these two parties have no desire, skills or ability to manage a successful nation they never fail to succeed in structuring the corruption that they rely on?
Are you starting to see why we have such lousy candidates running for election in the first place instead of our best and brightest? The system we now have is so foul, honest people will have no part of it. If they try to they do not last long or go far. We cannot now elect better Republicans and Democrats to fix it because the highest powers of both sit at the top picking the winners, losers, who stays and who must go.
At the smallest neighborhood level they have devised a convoluted process of rules and requirements so one can hardly obtain, file, and initiate a campaign for office without their help or guidance. None of the campaign rules are from our Constitution, all are made up to protect the two parties. They have infiltrated our system to the deepest corners displacing the will and freedom of citizens to control the government WE OWN. Look at any map of congressional districts and the corruption is obvious. Called gerrymandering, the boundaries are designed to make sure the party that designed them has an unfair advantage of winning the district therefore controlling the outcome. It is a method of stealing citizen influence in favor of party influence.
Why do you think the caucuses and primaries are scattered across the calendar over a period of months? First, so their candidates can tell voters of one state one story then go tell voters elsewhere something vastly different. Meanwhile a new party or challengers cannot hope to gather enough funding to compete in 50 states, one at a time, buying ads, traveling with staff and setting up offices and volunteers coast to coast. They structured it to be so expensive you have to be corrupt just to be able to run a campaign or be a crazy-rich New York real-estate tycoon.
The schools were easy enough to take over; after all, they are becoming very adept at corruption and throwing their weight around. All they had to do was appoint their own people to the right places and let them do the rest. They choose the course requirements, what books are on the desks and what qualifications teachers must possess. Having lower level activists cover the game in cities and states was effective but creating the U.S. Dept. of Education capped off this theft of states rights protected by our 10th Amendment. However, when no one learns about our basic principles, our Constitution or Amendments in the schools run by thieves, where will resistance come from?
It was supposed to come from media. That was why our first protected right was freedom of speech and press. The idea was they would be vigilant and create an uproar throughout society when officials got out of line. Our two parties could not survive with that so the cronies who donate bought up the media and became socially entangled with media giants of one side or the other. Media became public relations departments for parties, not the trusted watchdogs of government on behalf of citizens and constitutional integrity. Now we have mostly Democrat newspapers and TV. Radio is dominated by Republican establishment insiders and we have almost nowhere to go for reliable truth. That is a major reason we have sacrificed to provide this site. Americans need truth without party deception. The radio stars who support the GOP are just as dishonest as the liberals they whine about because neither tells the whole truth about American principles or our Constitution. It would damage their closest friends.
Even the very ballots used in the voting process have been altered to protect the two parties our Constitution refused to protect and our Founders warned us to reject. The ballots separate and define candidates by party, you don’t have to know who the person is, just select them according to which party was best able to fool you into supporting them. If that seems like too much trouble just vote party line on the ticket. One shot and you’re out of there, you don’t need to know anything about anybody. Now how the heck can we use our rights to make them accountable and replace the parties when a new party gets listed like a small ad in the bottom corner of a large catalog?
Do you see just how thoroughly the two parties have worked together as the Democrat-Republican Coalition to Protect Entrenched Corruption? I could easily go on and make this essay three times as long as it already is but you get the point; they have worked as willing partners to steal self-government and citizen power from us to make themselves fabulously wealthy while taking care of their partners in crime, the donors, lobbyists, media giants and money streamers who can afford to buy a seat among them.
They have taken our kindness and decency for weakness but they went too far. We are not weak, we are not fooled and the failure they are bringing us is not what we will accept. Failure is not an American trait and they are about to hear from us. You can feel the change in the air.
Tomorrow we begin looking at the simple solutions available so we all know what we must do to take back our nation before they destroy it. They are wealthy at our expense; we will end that and provide futures for our own families, which is what true American principles and our Constitution are all about.
No one is going to steal our country and get away with it.