A few days ago I posted a question: Why did our Founders give us a Bill of Rights?
What was the reason?
Two ladies came very close, but the majority of replies were troubling.
The most common reply was in the form of, “To protect our God given rights and freedoms.”
Does that bother you too?
A paper is an inanimate object incapable of protecting anything.
The documents that contain our Bill of Rights are there for us to refer to as we do the duty of responsible citizens using those codified rights to PROTECT OURSELVES, OUR FAMILIES AND OUR NATION from bad government.
Does this explain conservative apathy and unwillingness to act to enforce our Constitution?
Is this belief why conservatives will clearly explain crimes of officials, tyranny and even treason yet not organize using our Bill of Rights to ensure We the People remain the rightful power in our nation?
Is this why our political right talks Constitution but fails to employ it by removing officials and parties who so obviously do not represent us?
How could so many reply that a piece of paper protects our rights and freedoms but no one mentioned the real reason is to empower US TO PROTECT OUR OWN GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS?
This is our job. Not Trump’s.
Not the next person elected.
Not Someone Else.
This is our job.
We need more Constitutional Patriots sharing this truth and fewer voters waiting for a piece of paper to get up and do it for them.