Reporter was forced to go against the violence

Fusce eu nisi quis dolor ullamcorper pulvinar. Sed luctus odio ligula, eu ornare urna rutrum sit amet. Donec ipsum neque, volutpat eget elementum ac, ullamcorper quis orci. Nunc elementum venenatis tincidunt. Suspendisse vel mollis turpis. Nullam sed orci efficitur, tincidunt sapien in, rutrum ante. Mauris vulputate tempus enim non porttitor. Pellentesque nisi urna, faucibus vel orci rutrum, convallis egestas ante. Ut accumsan sollicitudin risus sed vehicula. Fusce erat nibh, sodales ut leo ultrices, euismod efficitur velit. Aenean vulputate sapien eu eleifend imperdiet. In ut accumsan risus.

Ut interdum risus felis, eget rhoncus sem aliquam nec. Sed eu congue arcu. Duis ultricies orci nec diam malesuada accumsan. Aliquam pulvinar pulvinar orci, nec ornare ex efficitur ac. Proin quis laoreet quam. Praesent sagittis mollis turpis tempus sodales. Ut efficitur tortor nec condimentum ornare.


Aenean ornare nisl ut ante dictum imperdiet. Integer eleifend turpis at dui vestibulum, nec finibus ligula dapibus. Quisque semper tincidunt urna, vel viverra metus sodales ac. Integer rhoncus ullamcorper diam, ut posuere turpis. Proin justo tellus, sodales eget dolor ut, elementum efficitur erat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur gravida erat leo, ac euismod metus placerat sit amet. Suspendisse turpis erat, rutrum vel porttitor vel, mattis nec nisl. In consectetur justo sit amet ligula aliquet luctus. Nulla lacinia odio eu diam euismod rutrum. Phasellus pretium libero in tellus commodo blandit. Etiam vitae purus sagittis, lobortis quam id, ultrices ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas aliquam erat quis erat malesuada luctus.


Etiam eget varius lorem. Morbi ac lectus mi. Vivamus consequat, urna vel porttitor porta, ipsum libero elementum risus, quis eleifend tortor sem interdum orci. Sed eget diam nec turpis iaculis tempor sed id neque. Praesent tincidunt dapibus mi eu sagittis. Nulla ac ante lectus. Maecenas ullamcorper eu ex in interdum. Aenean commodo neque ut orci venenatis varius. Curabitur viverra sed metus quis interdum.


Chris Szaz

Christopher Szaz is a near Washington, D.C. native, having grown up there and spending most of his childhood and early to mid-adulthood in that dynamic metropolis. A history buff, he initially got into history and presidential/constitutional impacts via the family's World Book encyclopedia collection. Additionally, his father, a former political science professor, was a fixture on Capitol Hill as a human rights lobbyist for over 30 years. In that time, he got to know the likes of Goldwater, Dole, Bush Sr. and B1 Bob Dornan and many others of note, personally. Steeped in such a background, Christopher took an avid interest in politics, parties and even worked a bit on the Hill as a young man. Seeing the country, it's policies and especially it's parties fall to rampant corruption, he teamed up years ago with ConPart co-founder Lynn Vogel, to help both set the record straight on the Constitution, it's powers and the authority it gives the citizens of this country. While holding the corrupt current parties to the fire, while helping to educate the populace about both that and the need for Replacement Party formation. A former IT professional, who also has run his own web design business for over 20 years, he built the Constitutional Patriot website nearly a decade ago, as a vital tool for spreading this message, along with Vogel.

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