Trump: People vs Entrenched Party Crony Donor Machines

Screenshot_2016-01-16-07-16-54-1Yesterday was a watershed day in American politics. For many it has not sunk in yet, they will need time for reality to sink in. What just happened was a demonstration that We the People are not done yet and the Tea Party spirit which began by uniting citizens from both parties with the non-actives to force change is still with us.

I am not calling this a Tea Party revival but if it becomes one I would not be surprised. I would prefer it did not because that brand was diluted, abused and shredded with the help of GOP talk radio manipulators and turncoats like Ryan, Rubio and Cruz who did not serve as they had promised after weaseling Tea Party support.

Our Constitutional Patriot organization has made the decision to support the Trump candidacy. There will be much more to follow at our website, If you are a hardcore red-eyed Trumpster we may often upset you because we are not blind followers pretending we have the perfect messiah candidate. We all see this among supporters of competing candidates, and some Trumpsters. That is not us; we steadfastly stick to truth and credibility basing our content on pure constitutional integrity.

None of us as individuals can take over a race or make a profound impact but we all have a duty to do what we can to nudge the momentum in the direction of our best national interests. The more voters we can encourage to gather with us, the more influence we can project. That is how it works. Whether supporters of competing candidates like it or not, Trump is now an unstoppable force and it is time to begin focusing on crushing the very troubling groundswell toward socialism from the Democrat ranks.

I am not going to debate whether or not Trump can still be stopped. I have watched these things for a long time and Ive developed a feel for momentum and Trump has it. Just be glad he isnt a socialist. Now, many say he is not conservative enough or he isnt a constitutionalist. That needs to be addressed.

No. He is not perfect on our Constitution but he has demonstrated more willingness to employ it than any candidate in recent memory. Mistakes have been made. He has suggested he will call for the death penalty for all cop killers. He can call all he wants but that is a state issue, the President lacks authority. The same applies to ending gun-free zones. He would need to enlist the Supreme Court to crush that nonsense which limits the rights of law abiding citizens. Local leaders can address it or SCOTUS can, not the President. There are other minor errors but not one is a deal killer. He has made mistakes but every one of the candidates has.

The worst constitutional offender is the one candidate with the most training and background relating to it. We have one guy grandstanding as a constitutionalist while ignoring sections that do not dovetail with his donor desires or career aspirations. We have another who touts it but is all over the place in false interpretations and has so many other flaws he is not a serious contender. There is the Constitution discussion. Our Founders debated it too, long after it was adopted and the debates and definitions should forever be continued as we hold their feet to that fire. We must also do so with Trump should he stray. We will be the first to sound alarms.

In the run up to this cycle media has tried to create false standards of establishment GOP and outsider GOP. This is just a new version of RINO vs. conservative. Same groups with different packagingand it is a fake representation of reality. The truth is, there is only one GOP and like all parties since the Greek Senate there are factions. Once they go to work they vote along party lines, they all share at the rough of the same donors, they deal with the same lobbyists and superpacs. There is one GOP. I am greatly disappointed with Trump for signing that treacherous GOP Soviet Party Loyalty pact. That trash is wrong and very un-American. The first loyalty of them all should be to our Constitution which they swear an oath to uphold and the citizen voters who select them. Our Founders and their constituents were so fearful of entrenched parties morphing into self-serving machines they wrote dozens of warnings telling us to never allow it. We did and the parties have nearly ruined us with selfish donor fueled cronyism. Trump alone had the gravitas and funds to deliver a new Party free of the spider webs of corruption we all detest. I was let down when he went GOP but that is our situation. We must work with what the majority has dealt to us while we carry on that struggle.

The real beauty of Trump is his renegade nature and the fact he will not conform to demands of party powers. America believes he will do as he best sees fit. The things he says he will do are precisely what Americans believe he will act on. That is refreshing, especially when many feel he will attack the corruption we all know our process is drenched in. Anyone who scares insiders, sellout pundits and all associated cronies as bad as Trump does is going to garner an avalanche of support from grass root voters, the same people who rallied in support of the Tea Party or quietly cheered them from the sidelines. People feel a movement against out of control government is underway and they are going to back it. Period. The GOP race is now just a formality.

My dream of crushing old parties and starting at least one viable new one may not be over. It is amazing to see the GOP and their filthy network of corruption banding together to bring down their own frontrunner. They are idiots under great spotlights and Ill guarantee you Trump has a target on each of their heads. He knows an enemy when he sees one but is far too savvy to call them out in war at this stage. This will play out in time and I want a ringside seat.

The real Big Losers in the momentum of the Trump surge is the syndicated talk radio mega stars, particularly Rush, Beck and Levin. I am happy to announce that the influence of these ranting, party hack, spin doctors of ego driven self serving lies and manipulation just took a huge bomb in the bowels of their worn out empires. They are the ones who have fought so hard against Trump only to be rejected by the masses in spite of their tireless efforts to control the GOP outcome. The candidates they promote never win but this time the wholesale failure of the full frontal assaults throwing every weapon in their arsenals is obvious and you know that must just be driving them crazy. They have become so arrogant and consumed with their own self-importance they thought they could create their own candidate, promote him to a win then pull the strings from the comfort of their studios. Instead they have now seen the majority of patriotic voters are too smart to buy the manipulation they attempted and the rejection is so complete only 20% or less of the GOP ever fell for their carefully groomed fraud.

So Trump will be the nominee. What would his presidency bring to America? Without a doubt we have never seen a President with his extensive experience in all matters of finance, economics and how it all ties to the current fluid activity in global arenas. I can understand Trump being compelled to run. After all, he is obviously a concerned parent who managed to raise intelligent, hard working kids while he was also buried in the daily trench work of accomplishing all he has done. That is quite remarkable as any honest parent can tell you. He wants to leave that empire for his own kids and he wants them to have the same opportunities in a life of freedom that he has enjoyed. I want the same for my kids and have no confidence any other candidate has the skill set it requires.

No one questions he will build the wall and make Mexico pay for it. Have you noticed how quiet Mexican government has been about it? They believe him. Trump speaks of 9/11 with sincere anguish and he knows where the source of that danger lies. I did not like his comment about Russia fighting ISIS in Syria but he is a candidate, not a President in the Oval Office with access to secret military intel and a staff of astute advisors, which he will be sure to assemble. Our military, vets and their families deserve the respect, support and care of a President who cherishes them, that is Trump. Our allies need a friend they can trust and he will be that. Our strength depends on it. We are abused and fleeced by nations with demands across the globe and Trump is just not the guy that any of them are going to take advantage of. He understands financial manipulation of currencies and the results and he knows the economic intricacies that can be implemented to combat them.

Trump is a proud American who grates under the reality that we have fallen so far as a world power and beacon of great examples of freedom for the world to see and be inspired by. He wants to correct that and his patriotism and appreciation for what America allowed his life to be is obvious. No, Trump is no messiah or flawless man. It is not rational to seek one, we must elevate our best and brightest and at this moment in time Trump is that guy.

He has my support and that of our Constitutional Patriot organization.

Now let us unite to defeat the socialism that will fill the other side of the ballot.

Lynn Vogel

F. Lynn Vogel is an Iowa native, father and lifelong patriotic historian. Raised as the son of two well-informed historians he immersed himself in the small family library one room of their home was dedicated to. As an adult most of his work was in manufacturing and product development which then led to consulting and restructuring manufacturing companies struggling in a changing global economic environment. It was there he followed his fathers footsteps into writing and radio work but with a focus on historical aspects of our politics, founding and Constitution which he had studied while getting his formal business training. He is now dedicated to restoring the constitutional greatness of America for future generations, in honor of those who provided so much for us.

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