We have two parties trying to stop a President from doing his constitutional duties. Democrats
Sacrifice to do the right thing for the future. American military cemetery at Normandy.
Let’s cut through the charade on Trump tax returns. Why are right wing media hosts
Biden is a hopeless joke but media commands people to discuss him so they do.
People need to stop giving AOC credit for the Green New Deal bill. That
Dems are no longer after Trump to try removing him. They are not hoping
The FISA Court is un-American and should be be shut down. We need to have this
I dread the release of the Mueller report. Democrats demandad the release so they
If you ever needed an over-the-top, convincing example that the Talk Radio/Right Media Cabal is Party First and Party Only, I present to you, the case of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. AKA AOC. AKA The Wonder Woman of The Talk Radio Carnies.
So much news of corruption, hit squad investigations on our dime, criminal politicians going unpunished.