Conservatives please help explain: Trump wanted a multi-part Healthcare Bill so repeal-replace could begin immediately
It is Easter weekend so time to lay off politics. Even though the crucifixion
New parties fail because of the corrupt money and un-American campaign rules. The Democrat &
No matter what people say, we can all now see how many of them are
Russians are now colluding with Hillary/Obama Dems to dismantle the Trump team. They are scanning
Trump now saying it may be 2018 before the Obamacare repeal. Welcome to Washington Donald.
Eight years of Democrat liberalism morphing into American socialism without active, organized resistance now ends
The only reason people call themselves liberals or conservatives is because of politically correct herd
Question for conservatives: If Democrats are dumb for repeating mistakes how are conservatives smart for
Sheriff Joe has produced the goods to prove Obama was never legit. Now we find