Over these last few months, there has been a lot of talk of “stimulus” and helping the “working person”, by the same politicians and their media mouthpieces who themselves caused and nurtured this unconstitutional COVID-19 Sham and Economic Pearl Harbor job on American society.
We have long warned such bills, programs and expenditures are not just always laden with pork, graft and kickbacks to political friends and families, while being disguised as “relief” for the suffering citizen, but that these scam bills also act as a perfect repository for outside donors, corporations and “consultants” to thrust their noses into the trough. While the taxpayer, as always, foots the bill in the end. Without fail.
Here is a prefect example of this.
Connecticut, a liberal state, with a long history of corruption, bloated budgets and graft has a governor that went all out on the “Reopening Sham” blitzkreig recently. So much so, that he put the taxpayer on the hook for a $2 million tab by hiring an outside “consulting company” to “assist and advice” on how to open the state up in the midst of the COVID-19 Scamdemic. Instead of, you know, letting the state’s businesses and citizens open a state up that no politician has any Constitutional authority to shutdown in the first place.
Normally, that would be bad enough, as these type of things are akin to a “Blue Ribbon Panel” that in the end, does little to nothing, but shift taxpayer funds around, while pretending to a solve a problem that 99% of the time is the creation of the government that formed the panel in the first place.
However, in this case, this hiring was done with NO bidding, NO proposals whatsoever, nor any announcement. Either to the public or reportedly, to the state legislature, either. A totally under the table scheme to enrich those who are most likely large donors to the political big wigs in CT. It was not bad enough that this governor put on his Dictator Pants and violated the 1st and 5th Amendments so nakedly, but he then had to take the extra step of hiring Donor Stooges to assist in his Southern Reconstruction way of reopening the state.
This is Political Grafting and Kickbacks 101 and something that has been around since Moses was still in knee pants. However, it has become a perfected art in American politics for the past century and over the past 50 or years, has gone into hyperdrive and drives most every policy, expenditure, at even the most local level. That HOA fee increase or extra penny on your local utility bill almost always has this type of connection. Palms need to be greased and local politicians need their donations.
Why, you ask? Why are criminal acts like these, whether done in the open, like the recent “Stimulus Bill” was, or here, where it was done by cloak and dagger means, tolerated over and over with no fear of recrimination? Not only that, but why are they usually just dismissed with just a sigh and a shrug?
Easy. The citizenry totally and utterly refuses to hold either hopelessly corrupt and unconstitutional party accountable. When I say “accountable” I do not mean simply voting against “the other guy” or the “lesser of two evils” since that in the end, accomplishes nothing, because it still leaves both parties in power. On the ballot, holding the purse strings, controlling the electoral process and all of the rules related to same. Including who gets the donor money, who can be in debates, who can appear on the ballot and who can get TV or radio time.
I mean real accountability. Which means replacing that which does not work, whatever the cost. On the other hand, apathy is one of the major conditions that these parties count on from the populace, as this refutes any serious challenge to their power and only encourages greater abuses, as the COVID-19 Scam has proven in spades.
You are still an alcoholic if you put down the scotch, but pick up the beer instead. This is what has been the main problem with politics and the American population for over a century. That the citizenry thinks they can reorganize the deck chairs on the U.S.A. Titanic, using the same formula each and every time, while hoping for a different result. When the iceberg has been bit and the ship is half sunk, it is too late for that.
A good example of that was the Tea Party Movement of just a decade ago. A movement that rose from the most organic of sources, with one of the most organic of goals. To get control of runaway spending (which is laughably small compared to today’s expenditures). Within just a matter of months, this movement had captured the attention of most every major media outlet, especially those on the Right. Who, along with the GOP cronies, “adopted” the movement, making wild promises with a slew of GOP Machine candidates at the ready for the next election.
Of course, the GOP’s whole intention was strangle this movement in the crib, as they saw it as a very serious threat to the Establishment in general and their party, in particular. Not to mention, there was no better way to do so than to take control of the movement by narrative and with candidates that would do their bidding, while hiding behind Tea Party masks.
It worked. The GOP landslided and inside of a year after the 2010 elections, the Tea Party was dead. A movement and brand in name only and even that was replaced with the GOP moniker of “The Freedom Caucus”. Mission Accomplished and the biggest citizen-led political movement in generations was dead and buried.
The above shows that even “Doing something” is tantamount to apathy when history and previous results show it to be a certain failure. Which is why we have been preaching as the Founders preached some 250 years ago. Parties are a barely tolerable necessary evil that are only to be used a temporary vehicle for keeping the government on a Constitutional Course and not to become a government unto themselves. Something the early American citizenry took very seriously until the mid-1800’s, as parties were replaced on a regular basis. But something has been lost, more and more as the generations have gone on and the populace and society have become more and more removed from the Constitution. At all levels.
If you would like to help with reversing this and putting the country back on a proper Constitutional Course, please join us and other fellow Patriots on our Facebook page, Twitter account and via our sister site, Stay Above It.
We can do it, if we drop the apathy and instead, engage in action, at all levels.